Raise Your Spiritual IQ!
EK Symbol Why Attend?      

    The Holy Spirit, the ECK, carries Soul back home to God in ways that best meet Soul's spiritual needs at all times. These needs differ from one individual to the next. Yet, here is what some people have had to say about why they like to attend Eckankar seminars. See if any apply to your interests ...

Growth: “When I come home from an Eckankar seminar, I know I’ve grown spiritually. That’s what I’m looking for.”

Sense of Community: “There’s camaraderie, fellowship, and enhanced friendships with spiritually like-minded individuals. And I sure like the Saturday night dance / get-together!”

Validating Truth by Experience: “I like to hear others talk about their spiritual experiences so I can see how mine fit in. Plus, I find spiritual truth being revealed in ways that I can personally validate with my own experience. I like that!”

Chanting HU: “I love to experience chanting HU with many people at once.”

Questions Answered: “There is so much wisdom there … in the talks and in the people. My deepest life questions have been answered. At one time I didn’t know where to go for answers.”

Divine Love: “To me it’s all about Divine Love. It’s about how I can become a part of it and it a greater part of me. I can feel the great love at these seminars. They open my heart!”

Learning New Spiritual Exercises: “I learn new spiritual exercises every time I attend a seminar.”

Time for a Refreshing Break: “A seminar is a wonderful break from the everyday distractions of life. I learn new ways to live ‘everyday spirituality’ and recharge my spiritual batteries. An entire weekend! It’s great being ‘in the flow.’”

And for ECK members …

Giving Back to Life: “The member meeting helps me learn practical, respectful ways to share with others what Divine Spirit has blessed me with over the years. What a thrill to share my gift! For the same reasons, I also enjoy serving as a volunteer at seminars.”

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